
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

this pesky flu

Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who sent me congratulations yesterday for the release of The Indigo Notebook! Ian and Toddler and I stayed home yesterday and watched Dora and Diego episodes all day long. As Toddler's flu symptoms faded, mine started coming on full force. Ugh! (Last night was the worst. In my feverish state last night I couldn't get Diego's "Where are all the Elephants?" song out of my head. Torturous.) It doesn't seem like a terrible case of the flu, and I'm pretty sure I'll be better for my book release party on Friday. Send good thoughts my way, please!

For a while now, I've loved reading the Cover Stories that Melissa Walker posts on her blog and the readergirlz blog. Guest authors write about the process of having their book covers created with their publisher. It's fascinating to see the transformations that a cover goes through, and to see the logic behind the changes. I did a guest Cover Stories post today-- check it out! You can see the two previous versions of The Indigo Notebook and leave your comments there. I'd love to hear what you think!

Don't forget that if you go to my readergirlz guest blog post from yesterday, you can leave a comment for a chance to win a personalized, signed hardcover of Indigo!

Finally, if you've already read Indigo... and liked it... and if you have a few minutes to kill or something to procrastinate, please consider leaving a review on amazon (you don't need to have bought the book from amazon to post your review.) Much appreciated! ;)

Thanks for reading,