Hi all! I'm in my trailer with the windows and door open and the sunshine pouring in-- feels great.
I've been busy with events and school visits and conferences lately. I had a great time at my school visit to Heritage Middle School in Longmont a couple weeks ago.

Here are some pics of projects that the students did, inspired by WHAT THE MOON SAW. (Click on the pics to enlarge). The projects incorporated material from different subjects-- reading, writing, geography/environment, culture, art... I was very impressed!

I did workshops and a presentation and had a yummy burrito lunch with some teachers and students who had written winning essays. Most of the kids at Heritage speak Spanish, which made the visit extra-fun.

Last week I had another school visit-- this one to Cherry Creek High School. I wish I'd gone to a high school with a campus like that one. It felt more like a college campus, and the library (where I did my presentations) had one wall of windows-- pretty spectacular! The librarians and students were very cool. I'd been a little scared (not sure of what, exactly...), since I mostly do school visits with younger kids... but everyone seemed to have a good time and was very nice to me.

At the moment, I'm doing more rounds of revision on my next novel (which has yet to be named-- my writing group is a hard bunch to please-- but it will come out around Fall 2009). I'm also trying to arrange my France trip (where my next novel will hopefully be set)-- I'm pretty unpleasantly surprised at the cost of tix-- three times what I was expecting! Ack!

Baby's doing great-- toddling all over the place, saying "nana" (which means grandma and fruit), doing sign language (and inventing his own... hitting his head means "Take me outside!" and "Vvvvvvv" with a twirling hand motion means "Turn on the fan! Or else!"
Okay, that's all for now. Thanks for reading!