
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Travel Stories...

Hey guys,

Hope summertime is treating you well! I just got back from a lusciously green and rainy trip to Asheville, NC to see family.  Raindrops on leaves makes my soul sing.  There was plenty of this where I grew up in Maryland, and I miss it out here in Colorado. The ocean and bay and thick forests and rainy days are what I miss most.

So, although I don't have any new books coming out this year, I do have a true travel story appearing a couple places.  The first publication is this anthology:

Happily, my story won second place in this year's competition run by Travelers' Tales, the publisher.  (Note to my younger readers: this story, like most of my short travel pieces, is meant for an adult audience... so you'll have something to read in a decade or so. ;-)

Okay, here's the official description of the book:

Anyone whose passport has been stamped a few times knows the surest method of keeping the travel fire alive: by reading and telling stories from the road, passing them along like a torch in a relay race.

From Travelers’ Tales comes The Best Women’s Travel Writing Volume 9: True Stories from Around the World—the newest collection in the annual best-selling, award-winning series that invites you to ride shotgun alongside intrepid female nomads as they travel the globe to discover new places, people, and facets of themselves. The stories are as diverse as the destinations, the common thread being fresh, compelling storytelling that will make you laugh, weep, wish you were there, or be glad you weren’t. The Best Women’s Travel Writing speaks to the reasons why we embark on a journey, and why we keep doing it. 

In The Best Women’s Travel Writing, Volume 9: True Stories from Around the World, you’ll:

·         Tangle with snakes and alligators in Bangladesh

·         Chase tornadoes with Chinese celebrities

·         Dodge fireballs while half-naked in Ecuador  (THAT'S MY STORY :-)

·         Get stuck in the mud by the Ganges in India

·         Hunt frogs in a Louisiana bayou

·         Get cheerfully deported from South Africa

·         Be transformed by a Mexican revolution

·         Survive close encounters with rhinos in Namibia

·         Experience life under niqab in Egypt

·         Find love in a tree house in Laos

... and much, much more.

I really enjoy these anthologies published by Travelers' Tales.  It's such a great way to armchair travel... and it inspires you to go out and have adventures yourself! 

You can pre-order the book on Amazon now, but it will be available at other locations within the next month.

In case you're curious, I do have other travel essays you could check out-- here's a sampling:

Happy reading,