
Monday, February 20, 2012

Announcing the NOTEBOOKS Contest Winners!

Hello, everyone!

I'm so excited to announce the winners of the contest I ran last week! First, thank you so much to everyone who entered... I absolutely loved reading about all the places you want to go (and of course, I was taking notes, adding your destinations to my own dream-destination list).  And I have to say that taking in your enthusiasm about the Notebooks series felt like reading a great big Valentine's card!  Even if you didn't win, please know that you made me smile BIG and smile  LOTS!

So, this morning I wrote down everyone's names on little slips of scrap paper and dropped them in a tin (one slip of paper per person, regardless of number of comments, to be fair :).

Then I drew the first winner...  WINIFRED! (Who happens to have the same name as my grandmom!)  Here was her entry:

"Hello! My name is Winifred. I would love to go to Italy, specifically Venice or Rome. I just think Italy is beautiful and has delicious food. I would hike, eat, dance, do everything there!"

Congrats, Winifred! You won a personalized copy of INDIGO!

And the next winner is MISTY!  Her entry:

"Me, me, pick me! I've always wanted to go to Iceland, land of trolls and legends. (and very different from Arizona!)  --Marianne Mitchell (aka Misty)"

Yay, Misty! You've won a personalized copy of RUBY!

And the winner of JADE is OONA! Hooray!

Oona actually made three lovely comments that made me smile EXTRA-BIG!:

"Hi I'm Oona! I live in Baltimore! I REALLY want to go to Paris! It's so awesome and beautiful! I cannot wait for The Jade Notebook! Happy Valentines Day!"

"I've already left a comment, but I wanted to say I'm only on chapter two and already in love with The Jade Notebook. This is Oona :)"

"This is Oona. I JUST finished The Jade Notebook. I am speechless. Now one of my favorite books. Thank you Laura! I'm sad to see the series end. I recommended the Notebooks series to my math teacher. Everyone should read them!"

And the international winners... since we only had two entries here, I've decided to make you both winners! You'll be getting personalized bookmarks and home-made Valentines. <3

Congrats to ISABEL of Colombia!

And BEE of India!

I'm so happy for all the winners, and can't wait to send off your prizes!

*If you won, please email me asap at Lauraresau [at] gmail [dot] com with the subject heading NOTEBOOKS CONTEST WINNER. Please let me know (this week!) who you'd like me to sign the book/bookmarks to and what address to send them to. If you don't get an email back from me, that probably means I didn't get your email for some reason, in which case you could contact me via a facebook message or blog comment.)*

Thanks again to everyone who entered!

Lots o' love,

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Valentine's Day Book Giveaway!!!

Hello, dear readers!

In celebration of the release of The Jade Notebook on *Valentine's Day* (Tuesday, Feb 14th), I'm doing a book giveaway! You'll have a chance to win a personalized, autographed copy of one of these three books...

All you have to do is make one comment on this blog post with 1) your name and 2) your dream destination (where you'd fly/sail/drive/bike/hike off to if money/time/work/school were no object). (One comment per person, por favorcito. :-)

You can comment from today (Sunday, Feb 12) through Sunday, Feb 19 at midnight (Colorado time).

On Monday, Feb 20, I'll randomly select *three winners* from the U.S., who will each get a signed paperback copy of either The Indigo Notebook or The Ruby Notebook, or a hardcover of The Jade Notebook.

I'll also select an international winner, who will get some signed bookmarks and a valentine handmade by me and my Lil Dude. (Be warned that my own valentine-making skills are at the level of my 5-year-old's, so remember it's the thought that counts here...)

Be sure to check my blog on Monday, Feb 20 to see if you won! If you end up a winner, please email me your mailing address with the subject heading: NOTEBOOKS CONTEST WINNER.

Tell your friends! Good luck! Comment away...


P.S. Oh, and if you haven't already, try to swing by Melissa Walker's Cover Stories Blog this week-- I did a guest post on the evolution of the cover look for the Notebooks series. Enjoy!